Disability means a lot more than just ‘stuck in a wheelchair’ ‘Disability’ means more than many of us realise. Although the stereotypical image - often reinforced by the media - is of a guy in a wheelchair, the reality is that there’s a huge range of differently-abled people out there; that may include our family members, friends, fellow workers, and clients. Basically, it's one word to describe a lot of different people with different needs. Tess says, Disability and sex are so huge and broad terms. I see people with post-traumatic stress disorder, autism, brain injury, intellectual disability, cerebral palsy. I help people to connect with others in a social way, to build friendships and relationships, understand how their own bodies function, and I sometimes help people to access sex workers. Tess is quick to point out that disability is basically anything that impacts 'standard human function'. There’s really no ‘normal’, and anything that interferes with daily life can qualify.