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When one desires to sleep. Feeling sleepy during the day or failing to fall asleep for hours will eventually induce sleep. When you have worked hard for a while, haven't slept much, and then one day eat well, you feel too sleepy. Since you ate in the afternoon when the temperature was high, you now feel sleepy. You've been listening to a monotonous voice program, making you feel drowsy once again before you eventually fall asleep.

The chemical messenger adenosine in the brain is what causes sleep. Adenosine is found between nerve cells, and when it is produced in excess, it makes a person feel tired. Drinks with caffeine prevent the formation of adenosine, which reduces sleep. Sleep disorders or natural occurrences can also be the reason. Every day, when people are about to go to sleep, they typically feel sleepy. If you remain awake for a prolonged period, you will feel more sleepy. You'll also feel drowsy if you don't get enough sleep at night. All of your sleep patterns are influenced by your circadian rhythm. You will also feel drowsy when you try to sleep but cannot.


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  • Sleep apnea: Sleep apnea is when a person falls asleep but has breathing problems. Because of this condition, the body will obtain less oxygen. The person wakes up again and again in the midnight. If you snore at night, consulting a doctor will assist in solving the issue. You will be directed to a sleep specialist by the physician. Numerous tools aim to lessen sleep apnea symptoms. A gadget called a CPAP is used to breathe normally. If gadgets cannot function, many sorts of procedures can be performed.


There are two types of sleep apnea: 

  • Obstructive sleep apnea: The upper airway is blocked. Hormonal changes, weight gain, etc.
  • Central sleep apnea: The brain does not send signals to breathe.


  • Narcolepsy: Daytime fatigue is extreme. It isn't easy to maintain long-term awakeness. Quickly fall asleep. Cataplexy describes a loss of muscle tone. There are two different kinds of narcolepsy: narcolepsy with cataplexy and narcolepsy without cataplexy. Every day of your life will bring it about. It is unknown what caused it. One experiences sleepiness because of low levels of the brain chemical hypocretin. The autoimmune system, according to scientists, may be to blame for the low levels of hypocretin. It may be hereditary. It can also cause due to swine flu (H1N1) or a vaccine for swine flu.
  • Restless legs syndrome: Want to move legs without any reason. The person cannot sit quiet at one place. Mostly, the movement of legs seen in the night. When not supposed to, a person sleeps. It looks like he is having insomnia but it’s not the case.


How Can You Treat Restless Legs Syndrome:

Intake of vitamin B12 if your doctor says. Some medicines used to cure nausea, colds, and hypertension can make the condition difficult. Stop bad habits like alcohol consumption, taking caffeine, and consuming nicotine. Lifestyle changes will also help reduce the condition effect, like eating healthy, exercising daily, and meditating.


  • Hypersomnia: He feels exhausted despite having slept for a full night's rest and sleepy despite having slept for more than 8 hours. Serious life issues can result from it. At any time during the day, someone feels like napping. A hypersomnia sufferer may experience various symptoms, including irritability, anxiety, and lack of concentration. Your personal and professional life will get disturbed. Hypersomnia may result from unhealthy behaviors like drinking alcohol. Various medications can bring on this illness. This syndrome is brought on by a variety of illnesses, including epilepsy, encephalitis, tumors, and multiple sclerosis.


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Central Disorders Of Hypersomnia: 

  • Kleine Levin syndrome: Instances of chronic hypersomnia. It is primarily observed in men, and it tends to disappear between 8 to 12 years.
  • Idiopathic hypersomnia: Idiopathic hypersomnia is excessive sleepiness that does not result in muscular atrophy and cannot be treated with naps.
  • Medicine inducing hypersomnia: Sleeping medicines, alcohol, and drugs bring on hypersomnia. Moreover, it could be brought on by stimulant withdrawal symptoms.
  • Mental disorder hypersomnia: Hypersomnia can be brought on by bipolar disorder or depression.
  • Insufficient sleep syndrome: Misses out on enough sleep. An individual cannot sleep as much as is necessary due to poor sleeping habits.

Treatment: You should see a doctor if you have hypersomnia. There are numerous methods for treating hypersomnia. A test that aids in identifying symptoms and signs is polysomnography. A nap study was conducted to gauge one's level of sleep. It provides five opportunities for people to nap simultaneously to gauge their sleep duration. Measure a person's level of sleepiness using the Epworth sleepiness scale. Eight hypothetical situations are presented in the test, and the subject is asked to rank how frequently he sleeps during the day. Maintaining a sleep journal will help you keep track of your symptoms and sleep quality.


  • Shift work sleep disorder: Most cases of this disease were in people who worked rotating shifts. Individuals who work in shifts experience disruptions to their circadian cycle.


Symptoms of SWSD: Excessive drowsiness, headache, fatigue, and poor focus. You should see a doctor if you work a rotating shift and have SWSD.

Results of SWSD: Accidents, irritability, mood swings, a decline in social activities, difficulty coping, bad habits like smoking and drinking, and digestive, metabolic, and cardiovascular issues.

How To Deal With SWSD: 

  • You should limit your exposure to light when you get home from a night shift.
  • Set a regular wake-up and sleep schedule that you stick to every day, including on holidays.
  • Instruct your roommates to keep it dark and quiet for a restful night's sleep.
  • If your family or friends are listening to music then tell them to use headphones.
  • Discourage anyone working on noisy tasks, such as vacuuming or dishwashing.
  • Mark the door with a Do Not Disturb tag to prevent knocking.

How To Decrease Effects Of SWSD: 

  • Record your sleep patterns.
  • Reduce night shifts. If you are working 12 hours a night then reduce number of nights. One should typically work four to five nights a week.
  • If you work nights for a prolonged period, you should take at least two days off.
  • Don't work overtime.
  • Avoid traveling far for work because it will take a lot of time and prevent you from getting enough rest.
  • When you have a holiday, you make the most of it by sleeping as much as possible.
  • Before starting a night shift, take a quick snooze.
  • Avoid using sleep-inducing medications and caffeinated beverages.


The information presented in the preceding article leads us to the conclusion that a wide variety of factors can cause drowsiness, including working in shifts that frequently change, leading an unhealthy lifestyle, developing poor sleeping patterns, taking medications that put people to sleep, and engaging in risky behaviors such as smoking and drinking alcohol. It is possible to lessen the impact of sleepiness on your life through various technologies, surgical procedures, medicinal treatments, adjustments to your daily routine, and other similar practices.


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  1. https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-is-sleepiness-and-what-are-the-most-common-causes-3014824
  2. https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/sleep-apnea#:~:text=Sleep%20apnea%20is%20a%20common,body%20from%20getting%20enough%20oxygen
  3. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcolepsy/symptoms-causes/syc-20375497
  4. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/hypersomnia
  5. https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/sleep-apnea-daytime-sleepiness#:~:text=Conditions%20That%20Can%20Cause%20Sleepinesstext=Working%20at%20night%20and%20sleeping,caused%20by%20an%20underlying%20condition.
  6. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/12146-shift-work-sleep-disorder
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