How to Use FLIPD to Boost Your Productivity

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FLIPD is a productivity app that can help you boost your productivity by eliminating distractions and increasing focus. In this article, we will discuss how to use FLIPD to boost your productivity.

FLIPD is a productivity app that can help you boost your productivity by eliminating distractions and increasing focus. In this article, we will discuss how to use FLIPD to boost your productivity.

Set Goals

The first step to using FLIPD to boost your productivity is to set goals. This could be anything from finishing a project to studying for an exam. Once you have a goal in mind, you can use FLIPD to help you stay focused and achieve your goal.

Set a Timer

Once you have a goal in mind, set a timer on FLIPD for the amount of time you want to work on your task. During this time, FLIPD will block access to any distracting apps on your phone.

Stay Focused

During your focused work time, it's important to stay focused on your task. Avoid any distractions and try to stay on task as much as possible.

Track Your Progress

FLIPD tracks the amount of time you spend on your phone and provides you with a report at the end of the day. Use this report to track your progress and see how much time you spent on productive tasks.


If you're looking for a way to boost your productivity, FLIPD is a great option. By setting goals, using a timer, staying focused, and tracking your progress, you can use FLIPD to achieve your productivity goals.

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