Writing Irresistible Email Subject Lines

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Need email subject line best practices to improve your email marketing?
Your subject line is the first thing your subscribers see.

Need email subject line best practices to improve your email marketing?

Your subject line is the first thing your subscribers see. And usually, the decision to open the email is based on the subject line. Therefore, crafting this part of your email strategy is worth more time and attention.

This article describes email subject line best practices to help you create clickable subject lines. First, let's talk about what a good email subject line is for a digital marketing agency in Toronto. Here are some simple, actionable tips for crafting great email subject lines. At the end of this article, you'll learn how to create subject lines that will open your emails.

What is the email subject line?

The email's subject line is displayed in her view of the main inbox of the email client. Usually, the content of the email is communicated to the reader. You can think of it as a book or movie title.

As you can see from the example below, most people have a lot of emails in their inboxes. Subject lines are the first, if not the only, thing your subscribers see. Writing better subject lines is a great way to improve your email open rates.

What is a good email subject line?

Now that you know your subject line, you may be wondering what to put in your email subject line. There are many ways to write an engaging subject line. We always recommend including the following elements:


1. Benefits

The subject line should tell you why you should open the email. What do you get when you open it? These perks may include helpful content, exclusive discounts, or important account information. On the other hand, you can also demonstrate the benefits of missing something if you need to open the message. This helps address people's fear of missing out (FOMO) and encourages them to read their emails.

2. Curiosity

Another element associated with FOMO is curiosity. Your subject line should give your readers a good reason to open your email. However, you want to keep some things private. Otherwise, the recipient will read the subject line without opening the message.

It would help if you had a balance of clarity and curiosity. You won't get the high open rates you expect if you use a subject line that is too generic or obscure.

3. Urgency

Over 20% of his emails are opened within an hour of delivery. After that, subscribers are much less likely to open your message. For this reason, the subject line should convey urgency so that the message can be opened immediately.

As explained above, you can do this by highlighting the benefits and piquing curiosity in your email. We may also send you limited-time offers and other time-limited email content. 

Email Subject Line Best Practices

1. Imitate Effective Email Subject Lines

Make it as easy as necessary. They're not trying to win a creative writing award. You want to persuade the email recipient to open the message. That said, using other branded email subject lines for inspiration is okay.

2. Aim to reduce subject line length

People often ask me, "How long should my email subject line be?" but like anything else in your email marketing strategy, the answer depends on the situation. However, shorter is generally better. Many readers immediately check their email inboxes. It only takes seconds to decide whether to open an email from your brand. Making the subject line readable quickly makes it easier for users to read.

3. Use a sender name your readers will recognize

The sender's name appears before the subject so readers know where the email originated. This can greatly impact whether your email newsletter will be opened.

Think about how often you open an email from your favourite brand just because you already know you like the content. If you've built a trustworthy brand upfront, name recognition can overcome the occasional mundane subject line.


Make sure your subject line is mobile-friendly when using any of the tactics above.

Of course, one of these random subject lines is effective. It all depends on what and when you sell. Be sure to use these subject lines as a starting point and experiment with variations within successful email subject lines. 

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