Why Paid social media is the Uncharted Territory of International B2B Marketing

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Many B2B organizations have a tendency to overlook the potential of paid social media advertising. The perception is often that social media is more of an upper-funnel channel or lacks the power to drive strong business intent. This article will challenge that notion and emphasize why paid

  1. What is Paid Social Media Advertising?

Definition and Explanation

Platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and their offerings

Types of ads: Sponsored posts, promoted tweets, display ads, video ads, influencer marketing

Cost structures: Based on platform, audience, format, duration, and campaign objectives

  1. Best Platforms for B2B Audiences

LinkedIn: 65 million companies across 200 countries with precise targeting options

Meta: Over 200 million businesses and nearly 3 billion daily users, now offering better B2B targeting tools

Quora: A treasure of business questions and a platform where 60% of advertisers are B2B

YouTube: A rising B2B platform due to its shift towards Direct Response-focused marketing

  1. The Need for Paid Social in the B2B Landscape

Limitations of traditional B2B channels:

Search relies on pre-existing intent

Display is hard to measure

Email needs extensive first-party data

The benefit of integrating paid social: A full-funnel approach that supplements traditional channels

  1. Benefits of Paid Social for B2B

Branding and Awareness: Creating intent where traditional channels might fall short

Lead Generation: Beyond branding, a potential powerhouse for generating leads

Lead and Prospect Nurturing: Ensuring continuous engagement with prospects

Account-Based Marketing (ABM): Making 1:1 connection with targeted prospects

  1. B2B Social Considerations

Gated Content: A staple for B2B lead generation and nurturing

Tailored Approaches: One size doesn't fit all for messaging, audience, or intent

Competitive Awareness: Recognize all competitors vying for the same attention span

Purposeful Campaigning: Aim for a continuous cycle of awareness, intent, and conversion

  1. International B2B Social Considerations

Language Consistency: Match ad language with the landing page to prevent drop-offs

Platform Specificity by Region: Understand platforms that dominate in specific regions like Xing in DACH

Risks of International Expansion: Recognize the challenges of scaling brands internationally

The Value of Testing: Always be prepared to experiment and pivot based on real-world data

Holistic Approach: Combine paid social with organic, CRO, and other channels for lasting success


Relying solely on traditional B2B channels can be limiting. Paid social media advertising offers a myriad of tools and strategies to reach and engage the right audiences. With the right approach and constant iteration, it can become a formidable part of your international B2B marketing arsenal.

For businesses looking to dive deeper into the world of paid social, expert help is just a call away. Get in touch.

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