The secret of poker: work on the bugs

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Thriller threads are popular among users of poker forums, in which players share offensive bad beats, furiously difficult hands, very rare and exotic situations - what you really need to know is that these things will not bring any benefit to your game, even if each from the analyzed situa

The mistakes that are significant for your bankroll are most likely unknown to you. Moreover, the more boring and banal the situations in which you are wrong seem to you, the more important they are.

Every player needs to work on opening ranges, betting on subsequent streets, using basic exploitative strategies against weak players, even if it seems mediocre. You are sick of these situations precisely because you meet them too often.

This does not negate the usefulness of advanced analysis of your game, but it is important to do such things under the supervision of a coach. Like everything exciting, these tricks are performed by professionals.

The secret of poker against fish is simplicity, bordering on genius. Play the game that brings the most profit against the players in your field. Until the opponent shows his true face and earns a read on himself, consider him an average opponent.

It is important that this is a simple and obvious read:

the opponent does not play without a hit - we put everything in him
likes to see the flop - open more
bets a lot with a hit - don't call with trash, no matter how great your plan is
Use your opponent's weaknesses against him and it will be easier to win.

The secret to a good poker game lies in the desire to increase the expectation of the game.
To win at poker, learn and work on the game, but keep in mind why, why and for what purpose you spend your time
Boring mistakes are often the most important
Don't make things up when you're playing against weak players
Fight tilt

Every poker connoisseur should choose the best sites such as tigergaming and start earning big money this way


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