Things to Do on Cousin Birthday To Make Birthday more Special?

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There are plenty of things to do on your cousin's birthday that will make it a special occasion.

Here's how to make it even more special:

1. Invite some friends over and make them a cake! This is a fun activity, and it's also something that your cousin w


If you have a cousin who is celebrating their birthday, it can be hard to know what to do. You want to make sure that they have a good time and get the most out of their special day, but at the same time it's important for you not to take away from theirs! In this article we'll show you some creative ways that will help make your birthday wishes for cousin special even if they don't live close by—and maybe even more fun than if they did live nearby!

1.Get them a gift card:

Gift cards are a great way to give your cousin a gift they will actually use. They can spend it on anything and everything, so it's not specific to them or their interests. For example, if you have an aunt who loves local restaurants and beer shops but hates cooking, get her a gift card for one of those places so she can treat herself!

2.Send them a personalized e-card:

Sending a personalized e-card to your cousin is one of the easiest ways to make their birthday special. These days, it’s possible to send an e-card from almost any device that has internet access, whether you are at home or on the go. You can even send messages through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter!

If you are looking for a simple way to send a birthday wish but don't know how, try creating one yourself using our free online tool here:

3.Plan the perfect picnic:

  • Choose a location that's fun and relaxing, like the park or beach.

  • Plan the menu ahead of time to make sure you have everything you need.

  • Make sure you have a blanket to sit on, as well as games for your cousin to play with (like board games).

If possible, bring some good music with you so that everyone gets into the spirit of things!

4.Make them a scrapbook of memories:

A scrapbook is a great way to document your cousin's birthday. It can be made out of anything you have lying around the house, including an album or digital photo frame. If you're looking for something a little more creative, try any one of these ideas:

  • Use a photo wall. This is basically an art piece that hangs on the wall and displays several pictures at once. You could hang it up in their bedroom or living room so they can enjoy it every day for years to come!

  • Make them a scrapbook of memories using old photos (or new ones). When making this type of book, think about what kind of moods would fit into each page—you might want something cheerful like flowers or happy faces but also sad moments too if there are lost loved ones who died recently from cancer surgery etc... Or maybe even both depending on how much time has passed since their birthdays were celebrated together last year which makes sense considering how old Cuz' now really

5.Go on a trip together:

You can go on a trip together, if you want. You can plan a vacation or a weekend getaway in some place where you both have never been before with the purpose of getting to know each other better. If your cousin is older than you and has traveled alone often, then it might be best to invite him/her over for dinner at home first so that he/she feels comfortable enough with your family members who will accompany them during their stay there.

If this is not possible for whatever reason (i.e., finances), then try finding another alternative such as renting an apartment or house together where both of your families could spend time together without having any concerns about safety issues since most people tend not worry about these things when living somewhere else other than their own home country/state etcetera..

6.Surprise them with their favorite dessert:

Surprise them with their favorite dessert.

  • Make your own cake.

  • Get them a cake mix, and let them decorate it themselves.

7.Throw a party for them and invite all their friends!

  • Throw a party for them and invite all their friends!

You can do this by setting up a theme, making it fun and inviting everyone you know who has been in touch with your cousin since she was born. You may want to plan ahead by getting the food ready, setting up the room and getting decorations early on as well. If possible, get some music going in advance so that when people arrive they have something to dance too! This will be great fun for everyone involved so don’t worry about making it boring either!

A creative way to celebrate your cousin's birthday is to make their special day about making new, fun memories with you!

A creative way to celebrate your cousin's best birthday wishes is to make their special day about making new, fun memories with you!

If they're a big fan of anything, such as food or animals, then try planning an outing where they can eat at the best restaurant or get up close and personal with some exotic creatures. Or if they love music or artsy things like photography and painting (or whatever), then go out and see a show together. Or if they have kids themselves—or even if they don't—take them out on the town so that they can share stories while enjoying each other's company; this will make all aspects of their lives come full circle, bringing back childhood memories which may have been forgotten due to time passing by quickly."

We hope these ideas will help you plan the perfect birthday for your cousin. You can make this day about them, and they will love it!

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