Erectile Dysfunction: causes, symptoms and treatment

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ED affects up to 30 million men in the US alone, and roughly one-third of these men will suffer from this condition chronically. Don’t allow erectile dysfunction to run your life—get the help you need by reading through this guide on how to treat erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) or impotence refers to the inability of a person to achieve and maintain an erection of the penis during sexual performance. This can be devastating to both men and their partners, especially if this issue persists without treatment.


The essential male hormone - testosterone

Testosterone is the key male hormone. It is responsible for developing male characteristics such as muscle mass, body hair growth and a deep voice. It also supports healthy sexual function in men by contributing to the production of sperm and development of the penis.

Low testosterone levels can result in difficulty maintaining erections, low libido and infertility. However, with treatments like penile injections or gels that contain testosterone, men can restore their hormonal balance with fewer side effects than oral medication.


Why do we need testosterone

Our testosterone levels decrease as we age and men with low T are more likely to experience erectile dysfunction. Although not the only cause of ED, low T can also be caused by other issues such as depression or chronic illness.

Although medical treatment is the most effective form of ED relief for most men suffering from low T-related erectile dysfunction, there are some natural supplements that have been shown to relieve symptoms.

These include Cenforce 100, Cenforce 120, Fildena 100, and Fildena XXX 100 mg. Talk to your doctor about which supplement might be best suited for you.


What are the benefits of testosterone therapy

Testosterone therapy can be used to treat erectile dysfunction as well as other conditions that result from low testosterone levels. The benefits of testosterone therapy are numerous, including increased muscle mass and improved mood.

If you have been diagnosed with low testosterone levels or have any of the symptoms listed above, it is a good idea to speak with your doctor about whether you might benefit from treatment. Men should also note that erections typically last longer if they have an orgasm every day; therefore, improving sexual performance may also reduce instances of ED.


How to increase your testosterone naturally

If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, you may want to try increasing your testosterone levels naturally. For this purpose, we recommend starting with a hormone test. You can do this by checking your testosterone level at home or through a blood test with your doctor.

The most common cause of erections is low testosterone levels in men. Low testosterone (or hypogonadism) also causes infertility and loss of bone density in men over time.

Other possible causes are cardiovascular problems, neurologic disorders like Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease, medication side effects like beta blockers for high blood pressure, prostate cancer treatments such as surgery or radiation therapy for cancer cells near the prostate gland or bladder cancer treatments such as surgery to remove the prostate gland or radiation therapy near the bladder.


What happens if you don’t have enough testosterone

We are all aware of the dangers of too much testosterone. Decreased sperm production, prostate cancer, male-pattern baldness and body hair growth are just a few of the side effects. However, it is important to recognize that not having enough can also be detrimental to your health.

Increased risk for osteoporosis, diabetes and cardiovascular disease is not worth risking to obtain those cheekbones or arms you have always wanted.


The best ways to boost your testosterone levels

In order to increase your testosterone levels naturally, you can try taking a zinc supplement or eating foods that are high in zinc like pumpkin seeds. These options may help but it's important to speak with your doctor before starting any new medication or supplement. Order from

It is also recommended that you maintain a healthy weight and limit alcohol consumption for optimum health. The best ways to get stronger erections faster is by engaging in an exercise routine including squats, lunges, calf raises and crunches for about 30 minutes 3-5 days per week.


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