Idle Breakout Wiki.

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Idle Breakout has realease for a long time

Is it possible to beat Idle Breakout?
Before you can fight them, you must have very strong balls and prestige upgrades. Like gold bricks, the best position to strike them is to take advantage of the Sniper Ball's accuracy by having them in the top half of the screen when they are present, allowing you to shred their health even faster than before.

What exactly is the point of playing Idle Breakout?
Why do people enjoy playing Idle Breakout so much? Idle Breakout is a fantastic choice for a game to play if you're looking for something that's easy on the eyes and requires little in the way of upkeep. Playing the game does not require you to have your eyes glued to your screen, and the game does not punish you excessively if you are a beginner and play it poorly.

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