Advanced Medicine, Trusted Care, adderall 10mg blue pill

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For people with ADHD, there is a medication called Adderall 10 mg Blue Pill. Helps patients develop strong mental focus and concentration. Reduce impulsive behavior and work-related distractions.

Description of Adderall 10mg Blue Pill:

Adderall is the first-choice treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) that has been used safely for decades. As a stimulant, it can cause difficulty sleeping and dependence problems. Adderall contains a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. Amphetamine and dextroamphetamine are central nervous system stimulants that affect chemicals in the brain and nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and impulse control.

The IUPAC name of Adderall 10mg (amphetamine/dextroamphetamine)  is 1-phenyl propane-2-amine and the chemical formula is C9H13N with a molecular weight of  135.21 g/mol.

The chemical structure of amphetamine/dextroamphetamine (C9H13N) is given below.

Chemical structure of amphetamine/dextroamphetamine (C9H13N)


How do you know blue pill Adderall 10mg is working:

Adderall may be working if the person with ADHD says they are doing better at work or school.


If all signs indicate that given stimulant medication is not working, the treatment troubleshooting process is usually as follows:


Check the diagnosis:

Evaluation and diagnosis mistakes happen. To make sure you have the correct diagnosis and that all diagnoses are in place, go back to the drawing board.


Check absorption:

If a patient shows no benefit and no side effects, it may indicate that the drug is not being absorbed properly.  (Note: Vyvanse and Daytrana are the only stimulants not affected by organic acid intake). 


Try non-stimulating:

Non-stimulant medications (clonidine, guanfacine) are the second-line treatment for ADHD.  The next most effective class of drugs are the alpha-agonist drugs clonidine (Kapvay) and guanfacine (Intuniv). 


Try atomoxetine:

Strattera is a good third-line drug.

Consider methamphetamine

Sold under the brand name Desoxyn, this drug is approved for ADHD treatment. The only downside to the name "methamphetamine" is that it is extremely difficult to find patients willing to take it, physicians willing to prescribe it, and a pharmacy willing to carry it in stacks.



  • Help a person focus
  • Balance emotions
  • Equalize Daily Energy Levels
  • Reduce impulsive behavior



The medicine may work if a person has:


  • Feel less anxious
  • Intentionally controlling impulsive behavior
  • Depressed mood



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