How Can Stiff And Tight Muscles Result In Back Pain?

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Are you wondering how stiff and tight muscles result in back pain? As our bodies try to prevent further damage, tension in our muscles is a signal to us that we should take steps to help them relax. These issues can impact our ability to move and cause chronic pain throughout our bodies, i

Are you wondering how stiff and tight muscles result in back pain? As our bodies try to prevent further damage, tension in our muscles is a signal to us that we should take steps to help them relax. These issues can impact our ability to move and cause chronic pain throughout our bodies, including the lower back, if the necessary precautions are not taken.


Symptoms of back muscle tension can be felt throughout the lower body, including the pelvis, hips, and upper legs. You may have feelings of sharp stabbing pain that comes and goes. In 2017, about one quarter of U.S. adults reported suffering from lower back pain for at least one day in the previous three months. Tight lower back muscles are often accompanied by a number of symptoms such as spasms, cramps, stiffness, and pain. From constant, minor aches to incapacitating discomfort, these pains can range in severity. In the case of mild to moderate back pain, gentle exercise and stretching may provide relief.

Common signs of Muscle Tightness:

  • Rigidity 
  •  Pain
  •   Limited or inability to perform daily tasks                  
  • Muscle weakness
  • Limited range of motion  
  • Neurological symptoms, such as numbness, tingling, or pins and needles

 Risk factors of Muscle Tightness

  • Increased age
  • Anxiety, depression, and stress          
  •  Occupation type
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Comorbidities 

Factors Contributing To Muscle Tightness

As muscle tightness is a common symptom, there are many potential causes and conditions that may contribute to it:

  • Overuse injuries, such as tendinopathy
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Poor posture
  •  Polymyalgia rheumatica
  • Disc disorders


  •  Dystonia
  •  Fibromyalgia
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by a loss of voluntary muscle control
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Parkinson’s disease
  •  LupusClaudication (more relevant to lower limbs)

 Reasons behind how can stiff and tight muscles results in back pain

There are many reasons which can give a satisfactory answer of how can stiff and tight muscles result in back pain. Some of them are as follows.



  • Tight Muscles And Core Strength


The cause of many problems is usually a weakness in your core muscles. Core muscles are a group of muscles extending from the pelvis to the shoulders and forming a cylinder around the spine. By keeping your torso stable during movements and everyday activities, they prevent you from injuring yourself.

If your core muscles are not strong enough to perform this task, your upper body muscles will assist. As a result, they are not designed to handle such heavy lifting and will begin to ache and become fatigued very quickly.

Therefore, they are more likely to suffer from injuries, perpetuating the problem through a vicious feedback cycle. When your core is weak, your upper body muscles are required to assist. As a result, they become overworked, fatigued, and more susceptible to injuries.


2.   Muscle Tension and Pain

The muscles are composed of cells that can contract and expand in order to produce movement throughout the body. Due to their long and slender nature, muscle fibers are commonly referred to as muscle cells. A well-supplied blood supply ensures the oxygenation and health of muscle fibers.

In addition to the blood vessels that supply these tissues with blood and oxygen, they are also controlled by the nervous system, which sends electrical impulses to cause contractions when we move.

Additionally, nerves located within muscles transmit diagnostic signals to the brain that indicate the state of the muscles. Any time the nerves detect damage or tension, they send impulses to the brain, resulting in a pain response in the affected area.

In order to prevent damage to these underlying structures, muscles tighten when they become dehydrated, overworked, or suffer an acute injury. As a result, tense muscles are painful.


What Is The Best Time To See Your Physician

Consult your physician if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • The stiffness in your back has lasted for more than two weeks.
  • As a result of your back stiffness, you are unable to carry out your usual activities.
  • The stiffness in your back is particularly severe in the morning.
  • The muscles or joints in your body are experiencing pain and stiffness.
  • As a result of arthritis or another condition you have been diagnosed with, your symptoms are worsening.

You should seek immediate medical attention if you are experiencing back pain and stiffness following an injury.

You should also seek medical attention if you experience the following symptoms along with back stiffness and pain:

  • Blurred vision or eye pain
  • Having difficulty controlling your bowels and bladder
  • Leg weakness or sensation changes in the groin or legs
  • Unusual fatigue and fever

Back Pain Self-Care

Tight back muscles can be treated in a variety of ways depending on the nature and cause of the problem.


  • Physical Therapy


Your symptoms may be improved by a simple routine of gentle stretching, depending on the severity of your muscle tightness. In the case of more serious muscle tension, a program of physical therapy designed by a certified doctor of physical therapy can be of assistance in relieving tight back muscles through motions that stretch and lengthen muscle tissue, increasing blood flow.


  • Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (Nsaids) 


In the case of more severe and chronic pain, physicians may prescribe NSAID medications such as naproxen as well as prescription options. NSAIDs are usually taken orally or topically. Remember that NSAIDs can cause strain on the kidneys, liver, stomach, and heart.


  • Heat Therapy


A sustained heat treatment has been shown to alleviate symptoms of delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), including tightness and stiffness. Due to its ability to increase flexibility and blood flow to the muscles, prolonged exposure to heat immediately after exercise appears to be the most effective method of treating tight back muscles caused by DOMS.


  • Muscle Relaxants


In the case of chronic back pain caused by tight muscles, doctors may prescribe muscle relaxants. A variety of muscle relaxants are available for the treatment of tight back muscles, including cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril), carisoprodol (Soma), and baclofen. Although muscle relaxants may provide temporary relief from tightness and stiffness in the back muscles, they should not be used for a long period of time. Typically, they are prescribed only for a short period of time after an injury or accident.


Most people think how stiff and tight muscles result in back pain? That’s why they don’t take muscle tightness seriously. But pain is a best indicator to an underlying health issue so we should never avoid it. The good news is that lower back pain and stiffness generally improve with time regardless of treatment. The following self-care steps can be taken to alleviate your stiff back and make yourself more comfortable.

You should consult your doctor if you experience persistent stiffness or other symptoms.

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