A Few Toilet Factoids That May Blow Your Mind

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Astronauts going to the bathroom in space? Have you ever wondered how astronauts relieve themselves in space.

According to one astronaut they do not have a functioning bathroom like we all have grown to love. The astronauts clean themselves off with wet wash cloths instead of taking a warm shower. They brush their teeth and spit the excess into a wash cloth. Finally the toilet, Plumber near me at first this was a challenge for astronauts but they overcame this obstacle with a zero gravity toilet. They use air pressure to dictate where the bodily waste goes. Usually the waste is disposed in space.

2. While we are on the topic of space. The most expensive toilet in the universe is located in space. Each toilet cost roughly 19 million dollars. Currently the astronauts are trying to repair one of the space station toilets. The toilet located in the U.S. Destiny laboratory began flooding forcing the astronauts to use the toilet on board the space shuttle Endeavor. The astronauts also have the option of using a similar toilet on the nearby Russian space center.

3. The most expensive toilet on earth is a toilet made from pure gold. The 24 carat solid gold toilet is located in the Hall of Gold, in Hong Kong. The owners, Hang Fung jewelers have used this toilet as a marketing device. They have attracted visitors from all over the world. This toilet may not be around much longer. The head of Hang Fung jewelers has plans to melt down the toilet and use the proceeds to expand their operations into Mainland China.

4. 2009 the year of Twitter. John Mayer musician and former Jennifer Aniston flame, reportedly tweeted from the toilet. John Mayer was out at a nightclub when he decided to update his twitter message from his cell phone. Now that is what I call a multi-dimensional musician.

5. Is the president and the Pentagon carrying out their high positioned duties? The current home of the Obama family also know as the White house has a total of thirty two bathrooms. The following is top secret information straight from the Pentagon. The Pentagon goes through six hundred and sixty rolls of toilet paper a day. I would say that their is definitely activity or shall we say movement going on in Washington DC.

6. Officers was forced to wait for the well hydrated George Wingfield. George was setting records while he was being charged with public urination. This was not the typical drunken public urination. This was a record setting stream that lasted thirty six minutes and twenty four seconds. George was arrested after he finished up. George your mother always new you would be a record setter.

7. Bad News Bear. A little league coach in New York decided that it was a good idea to coach his team while intoxicated. The parents of the little league players contacted the local police and the park's director. Upon the arrival of the authorities the inebriated coach made his way to the first base side of the field where continued to relieve himself using the grass as his own personal toilet.

8. Waste of paper. A branch of the Kimberly Clark toilet paper company created the largest roll of toilet paper in the world. The toilet paper measured six feet in height and weighed close to three thousand pounds. This may clog a toilet or two.


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