Comparison of real dolls and brothels

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A story about prostitution and real sex dolls

In the future, the United States will present the most modern "Real Barbie True Love Doll" dialogue with guests...

My boss is talking about a "real robotic tiny sex dolls " that lets you communicate, talk and chat with people, and a company in Los Angeles is about to launch such a life-size lover doll. Isn't this the "West"? If you are not careful, you will fall in love with this "Barbie robot"!

This "Barbie" was developed and designed by Matt McMullan. Matt has been in the fun merchandise industry for many years and is probably the best in the industry.

Mark is very proud that robots can communicate with humans.

This "Barbie" is a torso love doll that can recognize human language and converse with people. This is thanks to the artificial intelligence system in the brains of these Dutch people.

"You could call it the 'AI + prostitution' model!".

"The company is currently developing female sex robots, which are coming soon. My design philosophy is that these robots should bring joy and happiness to others..."

Such a live-action Barbie doll can work 365 days a year, every day of the year...

If this continues, competition for discounted lover dolls in the sex doll prostitution market will intensify.

Of course, I don't know how to use it today. Is this illegal? Is this a crime?

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