7 Surprising Ways Your Eye Colour Affects Your Health

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In this article, we'll explore seven ways that your eye colour may impact your health that you may not have considered before.

Have you ever wondered why some people have blue eyes while others have brown? Or why do some people's eyes change colour in different lighting conditions? Eye colour is fascinating, but did you know that it can also affect your health in surprising ways?

Risk of Eye Diseases

Did you know that the colour of your eyes can affect your risk of developing certain eye diseases? People with lighter eye colours, such as blue or green, have a higher risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD) than those with darker eye colours, such as brown. This is because lighter eyes have less pigment to protect them from the sun's harmful UV rays.

Sun Damage

Speaking of the sun, did you know that the amount of melanin in your eyes can affect how susceptible they are to sun damage? People with lighter eye colours are more sensitive to UV rays and may be more prone to sun damage, which can increase their risk of eye diseases like cataracts. if you are experiencing any symptoms you should consider a consultation with an eye specialist as soon as possible.

Pain Tolerance

Believe it or not, your eye colour may even impact your pain tolerance. People with lighter eye colours may have a lower pain tolerance than those with darker eyes. This may be because people with lighter eyes have less melanin, which is thought to play a role in pain perception.

Sleep Disorders

If you have blue or green eyes, you may be more prone to sleep disorders than those with brown eyes. This is because people with lighter eyes have less melanin in their eyes, which can affect their body's production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep.

Alcohol Tolerance

Your eye colour may also affect how well you tolerate alcohol. People with lighter eyes may get drunk faster than those with darker eyes. This is because people with lighter eyes have less melanin, which can lead to faster absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream.

Athletic Ability

Believe it or not, your eye colour may even impact your athletic ability. People with brown eyes may be better at sports that require hand-eye coordination, like tennis and baseball, than those with lighter eyes. This is because people with brown eyes have more melanin, which can improve their depth perception.


Last but not least, your eye colour can also impact your attractiveness to others. People with blue eyes are generally considered more attractive than those with brown eyes. This may be because blue eyes are relatively rare and therefore considered more exotic or unique.

Your eye colour is not just a cosmetic feature - it can also affect your health and well-being in surprising ways. From your risk of eye diseases to your athletic ability, there are many ways that your eye colour may impact your life. So the next time you look in the mirror, take a moment to appreciate the unique characteristics of your eye colour and the fascinating ways it may be influencing your life.

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