Understanding and learning new languages is very important these days in the world. Basically, all the people are learning new languages and expanding their horizons of knowledge for themselves. Therefore, learning new sentences such as I love you too in Spanish language, etc. is very important and beneficial to learn and inculcate inside the human brain.
So, how do you say I love you too in Spanish?
Here is the answer to the same question mentioned above. Have a look at the same. There are 2 major ways of saying I love you in the Spanish language and those are:
- Te quiero
- Te amo
Which all things can be said to the person in place of I love you too in Spanish language?
Here is the answer to the above mentioned question. These are some of the major statements, which can be used and said to the people who are dear to us. In order to express their feelings and tell them how important they are to us. Follow the below mentioned sentences to speak in the Spanish language and tell other people their importance in your life.
- Te amo y te extraño
- Te amo y te echo de menos
- Te quiero y te extraño
- Te quiero y te echo de menos
Other commonly used sentences for I love you in the Spanish language
Here are some of the major and other commonly used sentences in place of the I love you too in Spanish language. Have a look at the same.
- Te amo
Te amo simply means that I love you very much in the Spanish language. This is majorly used for the partners or loved ones.
- Los amo
Los amo again can be referred to as I love them very much. This is being used as a whole in the group of people. Such as for family members as a whole.
- Te quiero
Te quiero is a statement, which can be understood as I love you very much. This is majorly used either for the partners or loved ones and sometimes for some of the close friends as well.
- Los quiero
Los quiero is a majorly used amiable word, which is known to be referred to as I love them very much. This is a commonly used word, which is majorly used for a group of friends. Such as if you want to tell your group of friends that you love them so much. Then you use these words.
List of alternatives for I love you too in the Spanish language
Here is the complete list of the alternatives commonly used for the I love you too in Spanish language. We have added the English language meaning to the same as well. Have a look at the same.
- Te amo más hoy que ayer pero menos que mañana.
Meaning: I love you more today than yesterday but less than tomorrow.
- Eres mi media naranja.
Meaning: You are my half orange.
- Te quiero tanto.
Meaning: I love you so much.
- Te adoro.
Meaning: I adore you so much.
- Te necesito.
Meaning: I need you in my life all the time.
- Me vuelves loco.
Meaning: You drive me crazy all the time.
- Eres mi alma gemela.
Meaning: You are my soulmate.
- Mi corazón late por ti.
Meaning: My heart beats for you.
- Este corazón es tuyo.
Meaning: My heart is yours.
- La vida estaría vacía sin ti.
Meaning: My Life is empty without you.