Things To Know About Your Lighting Towers In Winter!

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considerable beneficial impacts, not only on the safety of workers but also on the safety of the general public.

Need Of Lighting Towers In Winters


In the winter, lighting towers may prove to be especially helpful in areas that see an early onset of darkness or when conditions such as snow and ice restrict visibility. In regions that are prone to experiencing heavy snowfall and ice accumulation during the winter, lighting towers may be quite helpful in illuminating the operations of emergency response teams, road crews, and utility employees. Building sites and other outdoor activities may benefit from the deployment of lighting towers during the winter months, when daylight hours are shorter, in order to boost visibility and enhance safety. Additionally, since they provide light on potentially hazardous places, such as those that are slippery or have uneven terrain, lighting towers may help minimise the number of accidents and injuries that take place in such regions. It is possible that the use of lighting towers during the winter months will have considerable beneficial impacts, not only on the safety of workers but also on the safety of the general public. Therefore, having a lighting tower for a place in winter is very beneficial. 


What Is The Runtime Of The Lighting Tower?

A lighting tower's lifespan is very context- and circumstance-specific. Depending on the fuel tank capacity and engine output, lighting towers may stay on for numerous hours or even days. A 30-gallon fuel tank can power a lighting tower for up to 60 hours if it uses half a gallon of fuel every hour. However, larger and more powerful models can use more fuel and have a shorter runtime and usage patterns like the number of hours the tower is in use and the load it must support can also affect runtime. Well, if you wish to get the best lighting towers for your place, get them now from Ablesales offers a large variety of lighting towers of the best quality at very affordable prices. 


Facts To Know About Your Lighting Towers In Winter

There are a few things to keep in mind to keep your lighting towers running smoothly and safely during winter. Here are some of them -


  • Temperature - When not in use, lighting towers should be stored in a warm, dry place. This is because exposure to extreme cold can cause damage to both the motor and the battery. If there is a chance that the temperature may go below freezing, you should also consider buying diesel fuel designed for use in colder climates.
  • Power Source - If you want to use lighting towers even when it's cold outside, you'll need a reliable source of electricity. Diesel engines may need extra preheating time in cold weather and batteries may lose their charge more rapidly. Maintaining a consistent flow of power necessitates the use of backup generators or extra batteries.
  • Visibility - Snow, fog, and ice may all contribute to poor visibility and hazardous conditions on the road. Check to see that your light towers are positioned in such a way as to provide sufficient lighting to the areas that you have specified for illumination. Installing lighting towers at varied heights and angles may be a good idea if you want to increase visibility and decrease the amount of shadowing.
  • Safety - It is crucial to foster a culture of safety while operating lighting towers throughout the colder months. The manufacturer's instructions for use should be followed, including the use of appropriate safety gear and measures to prevent slips and falls.
  • Maintenance - The degrading effects of cold weather may be especially hard on lighting towers. As part of the predetermined regular inspection and maintenance plan for the units, it is important to check the levels of fuel and lubricant, change the air filter, and validate that the generator and electrical systems are operating as expected.


Factors to Consider Before Purchasing A Lighting Tower


Lighting towers are a basic need in a lot of places as they provide solid, reliable light to keep workers safe, increase security, and improve visibility. So, if you wish to buy a lighting tower for your place, here are some of the factors that you need to consider - 


  • The objective is to discover the reason for the existence of the Tower of lights. Is it meant to be used in the great outdoors, on a construction site, in an emergency situation, or for something altogether different? The first step in optimising the lighting tower's dimensions, power capacity, and other characteristics is to determine what the tower's primary function will be.
  • Determine the maximum height of the lighting tower as well as the ease with which it may be relocated. Will it remain in place, or will it be moved around in some way? Before making a purchase, you need to give some consideration to how easily the lighting tower can be moved, how much it weighs, and how big it is.
  • Consider how much illumination is required for the task or activity you are going to do. When selecting a lighting tower, it is essential to take into consideration the area that has to be lighted, the needed amount of light intensity, and the colour temperature that is wanted.
  • You need to take into consideration the temperature, the speed of the wind, and the amount of humidity in the location where you want to use the lighting tower. Find a lighting tower that can withstand the elements by looking for features such as resistance to water, resistance to wind, and temperature regulation when you are shopping.
  • It is possible to employ diesel engines, gasoline engines or hybrid engines to power light towers. Taking into consideration the accessibility and cost of petrol in your region, you should choose a kind of fuel that is not only capable of meeting your needs but also offers you the most value for your money.
  • Last, but not least, calculate the total cost that you are willing to invest in the lighting tower. Determine which capabilities and characteristics are most essential to you before shopping for a model so that you can find one that fits both your needs and your budget.
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