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Taking care of your electric bike can be very rewarding, and can make riding much more
enjoyable. Below are a few tips to get you going. We recommend dedicating a bit of time to
cleaning and tuning up your bike every couple of weeks.

  1. Register Your Bike – Register your new Bike with your Bike Manufacturer (if applicable with certain bikes) – this may
    extend the warranty and record important information. We would recommend you record the
    bike serial number and all key codes and retain them somewhere safe – if you need any
    assistance please do not hesitate to ask.
  2. Security – Please keep your bike secure at all times, use a recommended lock and GPS tracker if possible,
    bike theft is always present so be aware of your surroundings. We can of course assist you with
    all these items.
  3. Brakes – To adjust your brakes, learn to love your barrel adjusters. Barrel adjusters are the screw pieces
    where the brake cable runs into the lever. To tighten your brakes up, simply turn your barrel
    adjusters to the left and then set the adjustment by tightening down the set screw piece on the
    barrel adjuster.
  4. Battery – Your battery is a high-quality unit issued by the manufacturer, please ensure this is protected
    and charged as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Batteries should not be left outside in
    extremely cold weather (3 degrees) as this may affect the internal cells
  5. Service – Your first service is free with GreenAer after approximately 500kms. Your bike will indicate
    when this is due. This and all future services are booked in with GreenAer via our website
  6. Cleaning – Your new pride and joy should be maintained with a thorough clean on a regular basis, we
    suggest not using a high-pressure washer as this could affect your charging area or remove
    lubricants that should be in place. For the most basic cleaning, all you need is a clean rag and a
    light cleaner. Simply wipe the bike down with your diluted cleaner an relubricate if necessary
  7. Insurance – We recommend ‘Bikmo’ who cover the loss of your new bike, accessories, clothing, events,
    accidental damage and much more for an annual or monthly cost. . As a
    Greenaer customer, you will get a5% discount on the policy with the code ‘greenaer’
  8. Tightening – It is ideal to check all the bolts on your bike before each ride, although it is also fairly
    unrealistic to expect that you do. Every couple of weeks at the least it is a good idea to take
    your multi-tool to most of your bike to make sure everything is secure (secure, however,
    does not mean over-tightening!). Required tools: a good multi-tool
  9. Speed – Your new electric bike is pedal-assisted which gives you more opportunity to travel further
    and potentially faster than you would with a standard road bike, please ensure you follow the
    rules of the road at all times and be careful.
  10. Helmet – It is highly recommended that you use a top-quality helmet at all times (just in case), remember,
    cheaper is not better! There is a variety of specialist helmets for electric bikes available.
  11. Tire Pressure – To prevent flats, and to make it easier to ride, it is a good idea to check your tires every month
    or so to make sure they are at the correct pressure (PSI). Your tire will generally tell you how
    much pressure it needs on the sidewall (60 – 80 PSI, Min. 90 – Max. 120 PSI etc.). Once you find
    the correct pressure, attach your pump and inflate until you hit a midway point between the
    two numbers.
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