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如果你還在為 Adobe的AD0-E602考試認證而感到煩惱,那麼你就選擇VCESoft培訓資料網站吧, VCESoft Adobe的AD0-E602考試培訓資料無庸置疑是最好的培訓資料,選擇它是你最好的選擇,它可以保證你百分百通過考試獲得認證。來吧,你將是未來最棒的IT專家。

Adobe 認證對於具體IT工作職位提供了一個嚴格的技術資格評定方法(筆試或/和操作考試)。對於雇員來說,增加了更多事業機會,對於雇主來說,意味著更強的競爭力。AD0-E602 認證的特色在於基於工作職責的技術綱要,該綱要為使你在你的特定IT領域脫潁而出需要掌控的技術提供了明確又合理的標準。Adobe AD0-E602 的認證在業界具有很強的權威性,是IT界認可並仰慕的一種專業技術認證。目前 Adobe 的熱門認證有 AD0-E602 等!


Adobe AD0-E602認證指南 - AD0-E602認證

還在為怎樣才能順利通過Adobe AD0-E602 認證考試而苦惱嗎?還在苦苦等待Adobe AD0-E602 認證考試的最新資料嗎?VCESoft研究出了最新的Adobe AD0-E602 認證考試相關資料。想通過Adobe AD0-E602 認證考試考試嗎?快將VCESoft的Adobe AD0-E602認證考試的最新練習題及答案加入你的購物車吧!VCESoft已經在網站上為你免費提供部分Adobe AD0-E602 認證考試的練習題和答案,你可以免費下載作為嘗試。相信你對我們的產品會很滿意的。利用它你可以很輕鬆地通過考試。我們承諾,如果你使用了VCESoft的最新的Adobe AD0-E602 認證考試練習題和答案卻考試失敗,VCESoft將會全額退款給你。

最新的 Adobe Experience Platform AD0-E602 免費考試真題 (Q12-Q17):

問題 #12
A marketer sets up a new Amazon S3 source in real-time CDR A few days later, the marketer wants to check for any errors with ingestion.
In which two places should the marketer look for ingestion errors? (Choose two.)

  • A. Profile details
  • B. Segments detail
  • C. Source's dataflow activity
  • D. Dataset activity


According to the Adobe documentation1, dataset activity and source's dataflow activity are two places where ingestion errors can be viewed. Dataset activity shows the status of each batch that is ingested into a dataset, including any errors or warnings. Source's dataflow activity shows the status of each source connection run, including any errors or warnings. Reference: 1 https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/sources/ui/monitor.html?lang=en#viewing-ingestion-errors

問題 #13
A financial services company with Adobe real-time CDP is able to combine data sources from their branches and online tools in real time to create one combined segment of recent account openers.
Which two strategic use cases should the financial services company explore when activating this new segment? (Choose two.)

  • A. Include segment as a seed for lookalike modelling high LTV
  • B. Reach new segment with an email campaign reminding openers to set up recurring deposits
  • C. Target recent account openers with paid media campaigns advertising check order renewals
  • D. Personalize their website to serve a message upselling account openers with an exclusive savings account offer


According to the Adobe documentation, lookalike modelling is a use-case that involves creating segments of high-value customers who share similar characteristics or behaviors and using them as seeds to find new prospects who are likely to have high lifetime value (LTV). This use-case could help the financial services company acquire more profitable customers by targeting them with relevant offers. Similarly, reaching the new segment with an email campaign reminding openers to set up recurring deposits is a use-case that involves creating segments of customers who have recently opened an account and encouraging them to take actions that increase their loyalty and retention. This use-case could help the financial services company increase customer satisfaction and revenue by offering them incentives and benefits for setting up recurring deposits. Reference: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/segmentation/use-cases/lookalike-modeling.html?lang=en https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/segmentation/use-cases/customer-reengagement.html?lang=en

問題 #14
An Adobe Real-Time CDP Business Practitioner wants to create a segment of users who have purchased an item in the last 90 days and then purchased another item 5 days later.
What type of segmentation could be used?

  • A. Sequential Segmentation
  • B. Recency Segmentation
  • C. Frequency Segmentation


According to the Adobe documentation, sequential segmentation is a type of segmentation that allows defining a sequence of events or attributes that must occur in a specific order for a profile to qualify for a segment. This type of segmentation can be used to create a segment of users who have purchased an item in the last 90 days and then purchased another item 5 days later. Reference: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/segmentation/ui/sequential-segments.html?lang=en

問題 #15
A Data Steward was recently hired to ensure data governance for a large insurance company. Which two roles will be part of their main job assignment? (Choose two.)

  • A. Creating data policies and applying them to datasets and fields.
  • B. Creating batch integrations and data schemas.
  • C. Reviewing data, datasets, and data samples to apply and manage metadata usage labeling.
  • D. Use data to design new customer experiences.


According to the Adobe documentation, a Data Steward is a role that is responsible for ensuring data quality, compliance, and governance across the organization. Some of the main tasks of a Data Steward include creating data policies and applying them to datasets and fields, reviewing data, datasets, and data samples to apply and manage metadata usage labeling, monitoring data quality issues and resolving them, etc. Reference: https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/data-governance/home.html?lang=en#roles

問題 #16
Which feature of Real-Time CDP can be utilized to view amalgamation of all the fields contained within multiple schemas sharing the same class?

  • A. Event Schema
  • B. Union schema
  • C. XDM Schema


According to the Adobe documentation2, a union schema is a feature of Real-Time CDP that can be used to view the amalgamation of all the fields contained within multiple schemas sharing the same class. A union schema is automatically generated by the platform and reflects the latest changes in the underlying schemas. A union schema can be used to create segments or explore profiles across different datasets. Reference: 2 https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-platform/profile/home.html?lang=en#union-schemas

問題 #17


AD0-E602認證指南: https://www.vcesoft.com/AD0-E602-pdf.html

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AD0-E602資料:Adobe Real-Time CDP Business Practitioner Professional Exam確定通過考試,Adobe AD0-E602認證指南

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