How to persuade your wives to buy a sex doll for you?

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How to persuade your wives to buy a sex doll for you?

Discussing the idea of introducing a new sex doll in the US into your relationship, complete with lifelike textures and expressive sex doll heads, can be a challenging and sensitive conversation. If you're considering broaching this topic with your partner, it's crucial to approach it with respect, understanding, and a focus on mutual communication. Here's a guide on how to navigate this delicate conversation:

1. Establish Trust and Openness:

Begin by fostering an atmosphere of trust and open communication with your partner. Make sure you're both comfortable discussing intimate topics and that you're receptive to each other's feelings and concerns.

2. Choose the Right Timing:

Timing matters when initiating such conversations. Opt for a time when you both have privacy and minimal distractions. Avoid times when either of you is stressed or preoccupied.

3. Emphasize the Importance of Honesty:

Frame the conversation around the value of honesty and transparency in your relationship. Let your partner know that you want to discuss something important and that you're committed to being open about your thoughts and desires.

4. Start with Mutual Goals:

Begin by highlighting your shared goals in the relationship. Reiterate your love, commitment, and the importance of a healthy and fulfilling intimate connection between you both.

5. Express Your Thoughts and Desires:

When discussing the concept of a new sex doll, express your thoughts and desires honestly, but with sensitivity. Explain why you're interested in exploring this avenue and how it might contribute to your relationship.

6. Address Any Concerns:

Acknowledge that your partner might have concerns, questions, or reservations about the idea. Be prepared to listen actively and address any worries they might have. Make it clear that their feelings and opinions are important to you.

7. Educate About New Sex Dolls:

Provide accurate information about the features, benefits, and purpose of modern sex dolls with realistic sex doll heads, including the lifelike textures and expressive sex doll heads. Educate your partner about the advances in technology that have contributed to their creation.

8. Focus on Shared Experience:

Emphasize that the idea is not about replacing your partner or the emotional connection you share. Instead, emphasize that a sex doll could potentially be an avenue for both of you to explore new facets of intimacy and connection together.

9. Share Success Stories:

If you've come across stories of couples who have integrated sex dolls into their relationships in a positive way, share these as examples of how it has worked for others. Highlight the communication, trust, and consent that are essential in making such decisions.

10. Invite Your Partner's Perspective:

Ask your partner for their thoughts, feelings, and opinions on the matter. Ensure they feel heard and understood, and encourage an open dialogue where both of you can express yourselves without judgment.

11. Be Respectful of Their Response:

Whether your partner responds positively, negatively, or neutrally, respect their feelings and response. Avoid pressuring them into making a decision immediately. Give them the space and time they need to process the information.

12. Revisit the Conversation:

As time passes, revisit the topic in a non-confrontational manner. Gauge if your partner's feelings or thoughts have evolved, and be open to discussing the topic further based on their comfort level.

Final Thoughts:

Approaching the subject of introducing a sex doll into your relationship requires patience, empathy, and a genuine commitment to mutual understanding. Remember that each relationship is unique, and the decision should be a result of thoughtful and respectful communication between you and your partner.

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