How to Choose the Right Floor Sanding Grit for Your Project?

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Whether you’re refinishing an old hardwood floor or giving it a new stain, getting the perfect finish requires more than just an understanding of the process – it also requires the right materials. When it comes to sanding, the type of sandpaper you use is critical. Different grits are

Floor sanding is an essential part of any floor restoration or refinishing project. It helps to remove old finishes, scratches, and imperfections, leaving you with a smooth and beautiful surface. However, choosing the right floor sanding grit is crucial for achieving optimum results. 

In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of selecting the appropriate grit for your floor sanding Melbourne project. So, let's dive in and discover how to choose the right floor sanding grit!

Understanding Grit Sizes for Floor Sanding

Before we delve into the specifics of choosing the right floor sanding grit, let's first understand the concept of grit sizes. The grit size refers to the coarseness or fineness of the sandpaper used for sanding. The lower the grit number, the coarser the sandpaper, while higher grit numbers indicate a finer sandpaper. Different grit sizes serve different purposes in the floor sanding Melbourne process. Let's explore the common grit sizes used in floor sanding:

Coarse Grit (Floor Sanding)

Coarse grit sandpaper, such as floor sanding grit, typically ranges from 12 to 40 grit. This type of sandpaper is highly abrasive and is ideal for removing old finishes, deep scratches, and uneven surfaces. If your floor has significant damage or a thick layer of finish, starting with a coarse grit sandpaper is recommended.

Medium Grit

Medium grit sandpaper falls within the range of 60 to 80 grit. It is less abrasive than coarse grit sandpaper but still effective for sanding away imperfections, smoothing the surface, and preparing it for the next stages of the refinishing process. Medium grit sandpaper is commonly used after the coarse grit sandpaper.

Fine Grit

Fine grit sandpaper, typically ranging from 100 to 120 grit, is used for the final sanding stage before the application of a finish or sealant. It helps to achieve a smooth and even surface, eliminating any remaining imperfections and providing a solid foundation for the final finish coats.

Very Fine Grit

Very fine grit sandpaper, in the range of 150 to 180 grit, comes into play when you're standing between coats of finish or addressing minor imperfections on the floor. This grit size facilitates the removal of fine scratches, ensuring a seamless and flawless surface.

Extra Fine Grit

For achieving an exceptionally smooth and polished surface, extra fine grit sandpaper, typically around 220 to 240 grits, is used. This grit size is perfect for fine sanding, preparing the floor for a final layer of protective coatings that will enhance its appearance and durability.

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right Grit

Now that you have an understanding of the different grit sizes available, let's explore some essential factors to consider when choosing the right floor sanding grit for your project:

  • Floor Condition: Assess the condition of your floor before beginning the sanding process. If your floor has deep scratches, old finishes, or heavy damage, starting with a coarse grit sandpaper is advisable. For floors in better condition, you can begin with a medium or fine grit sandpaper.
  • Type of Wood: Different types of wood require different sanding approaches. Hardwood floors can withstand more aggressive sanding, starting with a lower grit sandpaper, while softer woods may require a finer grit sandpaper to avoid excessive material removal. Research the specific needs of your wood floor to determine the appropriate grit size.
  • Floor Thickness: Consider the thickness of your floorboards. Thicker floors can handle more aggressive sanding with a lower grit sandpaper, while thinner floors require a gentler touch to prevent damage.
  • Prior Experience: If you are new to floor sanding, it's recommended to start with a medium grit sandpaper and gradually progress to finer grits as you become more comfortable and gain experience. This will help you avoid any unintentional damage to the floor.
  • Sanding Equipment: Ensure that your sanding equipment, such as belt sanders or random orbital sanders, is compatible with the grit sizes you plan to use. Different sanders are designed to accommodate specific sandpaper grits effectively.

By considering these factors and following the recommended grit sequence, you can achieve excellent results in your floor sanding project.


Choosing the right floor sanding grit is essential to achieve a smooth, beautiful, and long-lasting finish. Remember to assess the condition of your floor, consider the type of wood and its thickness, evaluate your experience level, and use the appropriate sanding equipment. 

By carefully selecting and using the right grit sizes in your floor sanding Melbourne project, you will be on your way to transforming your floors and bringing back their natural beauty.

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