Health in India – Disease that weaken the nation

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Health in India Disease that weaken the nation

Health in India – Disease that weaken the nation

We know that a healthy nation is a secure nation. But we also know that there are many ways for our health care system to fail us, from inadequate funding to long wait times. So why do we put so much emphasis on national security? Because it’s true—if you want to keep your country safe from foreign threats or epidemics, you need a robust health system at home.

Global health security is a national security priority.

First and foremost, we must stop future threats at their source.

The first step to stopping future threats is to recognize that they are coming.

  • As we see in Pandemic across the Globe due to CORONA for furthermore diseases like Monkey pox or other yet to discovered. We need to pay more attention to our national borders and the people who come into them. This can be done by increasing security at ports of entry and expanding surveillance capabilities along our borders, as well as partnering with local law enforcement agencies so they have access to advanced technology like facial recognition software.
  • We also need better tools for tracking infectious diseases in their early stages so we can detect outbreaks before they become global epidemics. And finally, we must develop vaccines against these diseases—but only if there’s enough funding available for research and development (RD). This is why I’ve been working hard on this issue over the past few years: because I believe it’s essential not just for India but also many other countries around the world who face similar threats every day.”


HIV/AIDS is a global health threat that has been affecting millions of people around the world since the 1980s. HIV/AIDS is also known as “the AIDS pandemic,” because it has become such an extensive and serious problem. In fact, there are approximately 36 million people living with HIV worldwide today (that’s more than 1 in 5 adults). These individuals all have access to antiretroviral therapy (ART), which helps slow down or stop the progress of their disease, but only about half will ever be able to take this medication regularly enough that they can live long-term without fear of passing on their virus again.

The virus itself doesn’t cause any symptoms until it has already infected you—and even then not everyone who gets infected will develop full-blown AIDS symptoms at once; some may feel fine for years before developing any problems due simply to age or other health issues common among older adults like diabetes or kidney failure caused by taking too much medicine over time!

(2) Malaria

Malaria is a disease spread by mosquitoes that can be fatal. It’s most common in areas where it has been for centuries and is still endemic, but the World Health Organization (WHO) says there are now nearly 400 million cases of malaria worldwide each year. Malaria isn’t just a health issue; it also contributes to poverty and food shortages by making people sick or preventing them from working. The best way to prevent malaria infection is through mosquito nets, which are inexpensive, easy to use and come in many styles so you can find one that suits your needs perfectly!

Malaria drugs such as artemisinin combination therapy have successfully eliminated most deaths from this illness since the 1950s—but not all areas have access to these medications due their cost or lack of trust among patients who don’t take them regularly enough (or at all). However, there’s hope! New research shows promising results when combined with other drugs like chloroquine or proguanil/pyrimethamine; researchers are hopeful these new combinations will lead us closer toward universal coverage of life-saving medicine throughout Africa where nearly half its population lives below poverty line lines.”

(3) Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a disease that is spread through the air and can be treated with medication. It’s curable, which means it can be cured with medicine or surgery.

Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infection that causes symptoms such as fever, chills and sweats. The bacteria that cause TB live in your lungs or other organs of your body like your kidneys, brain or bones; they cause inflammation in these areas if they’re not treated properly. Once you have it, you’ll probably develop chest pain caused by an inflamed rib area on one side of your chest wall—the “rib” may also be tender to touch but will feel normal otherwise (this kind of pain is called pleurisy). The symptoms usually disappear within 2 weeks without treatment but some people may get worse before they improve over time with treatment so always seek medical attention if necessary!

Second, we need a robust health system in the India to monitor and detect any potential outbreaks before they become epidemics.

The second way we can improve public health is by ensuring that the India has a robust, well-funded health system. To do this, we need to focus on monitoring and detecting outbreaks before they become epidemics. This is important because a disease can spread quickly if people are unaware of it or don’t know how to prevent transmission.

To monitor and detect outbreaks better, there are two main ways: first by having more doctors working in communities; second by having hospitals or clinics that specialize in treating infectious diseases (i.e., those caused by bacteria). For example, if someone gets malaria while traveling abroad but doesn’t realize it until they arrive at their destination—or even later—they might not be able to get treatment right away because no one knows what kind of medicine works best against malaria symptoms yet! But if there were more doctors available nearby who could immediately diagnose patients’ symptoms when they arrived at their destination then maybe some lives could’ve been saved!

Third, we must build strong health systems abroad that can stop infectious diseases where they are born.

As a doctor, I’ve seen firsthand how fragile health systems can be. When a country’s health system is underfunded and understaffed, it’s easy for diseases to spread and become more difficult to treat.

Third, we must build strong health systems abroad that can stop infectious diseases where they are born. This means improving coordination among government agencies; strengthening supply chains; investing in technology; building new clinics or hospitals; training more doctors and nurses—and doing all of this quickly before the next outbreak hits us hard!

A healthy nation is a secure nation.

A healthy nation is a secure nation.

Healthy nations are less likely to be involved in war, and they produce more economic output per person than sicker nations. In addition, healthy countries tend to be more environmentally sustainable because they use fewer resources (e.g., water) in order to provide for their citizens’ health needs—a situation that leads to lower pollution levels in both atmosphere and oceans around the globe.


For all of these reasons, global health security is a national security priority. We need to stop future threats at their source with robust health systems in the India and abroad. And we must build strong health systems abroad that can stop infectious diseases where they are born.

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