Gzip compresses web pages in ZIP format, and then decompresses them automatically when someone is on their site.
Enables the HTTP Keep-Alive parameter
Every time a person downloads a file from your site and their browser asks for permission. This can consume a lot bandwidth, especially if you only have one connection.
This problem is reduced by the HTTP Keep-Alive parameter. It can be activated via the web server's.htaccess. This reduces the server load that is caused by requests for downloads.
Deactivate Hotlinking
Hotlinking is a feature that can be activated by your server to make other websites link to your media files. This can take advantage of your server and cause additional load. Make sure to disable hotlinking in your .htaccess.
Avoid hotlinking to other images. This can cause a delay in the loading of the images, as the servers of third parties could be poorly maintained or have problems or crashes.
Avoid or reduce the number of web redirects
To speed up the speed of loading your site, avoid redirects that speed up the time it takes to respond to HTTP requests.
There are plugins available to help you find duplicate redirects. When creating internal links, avoid creating unnecessary